The stunning Latvian treasure – 8000 year old Kemeri bog is beautiful all year around, not only in the autumn, when it’s covered in fog. Winter is just around the corner and bog has a different way to surprise the visitors – in the mornings it is all covered in frost. With temperatures dropping below zero at night and moisture coming from the bog, every stem and leaf is covered with ice crystals, and the small lakes are adorned by lace like ice.
It does get chilly in the mornings now, so you should really get well prepared for the trip – extra layer of jacket will not hurt same as a thermos with tea, warm hiking boots and a snack for the way!
After the pictures with bog covered in fog were published in autumn, Kemeri has become increasingly popular among locals, with dozens of people roaming around the tower at sunrise during weekends. For best experience come during the working week and enjoy distant voices of birds and true solitude.
To experience the bog in the best sunrise light, one should be at the watchtower not later than fifteen minutes before sunrise, as then the skies offer the most magnificent color display.
View the rest of the pictures on my husbands Facebook page: